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Blizzard Entertainment
Overview | Heroes and Units | Unit Stats | Tech-tree | Arcane Vault | Building Stats | Basics | Advanced | Combos | Defeating Humans

Heroes: Paladin | Archmage | Mountain King | Blood Mage
Units : Peasant | Militia | Footman | Rifleman | Knight | Priest | Sorceress
Spell Breaker | Flying Machine | Mortar Team | Siege Engine
Gryphon Rider | Dragonhawk Rider | Water Elemental | Phoenix
Unit Index | Human Index

The wild dwarves of the Aerie Peaks have once again responded to the call and brought their mighty gryphons to aid the besieged Alliance in its time of need. Armed with their trusty, lightning-powered Stormhammers, the hearty dwarves seek to keep the skies of Lordaeron free from enemy forces. The proud gryphons share their riders� implacable resolve and stand as noble symbols of the Alliance�s fortitude.

Level: 5
Cost: 280 70 4
Unit Type: Normal
Attack Type: Magic
Weapon Type: Mline
Armor Type: Light
Armor: 0 (6*)
Ground Attack: 50 avg
(68 avg*)

*(#) = Stats when fully upgraded
Air Attack: 50 avg
(68 avg*)
Cooldown: 2.2/2.4
Hit Points: 825 (975*)
Health Regeneration: Always
Mana: None
Mana Regeneration: N/A
Range: 45
Day Sight: 160
Night Sight: 90
Speed: Fast (320)
Build Time: 45
Trained At: Gryphon Aviary
Requirements: Castle
Production Hot Key: G

Gryphon Riders are typically used as supporting units with an army or players create a bunch of them to surprise the enemy as they did in Warcraft II. If the enemy for example has a bunch of Huntresses and no Archers they are in a position to be weak to air units. If you create 2-3 Gryphon Aviaries and create a group of Gryphons you can catch the player without any defenses. The key is to not let the enemy know what you are up to. To do this you can hide the Gryphon Aviaries or at least try to hide the Gryphons until you have a bunch of them.

Gryphons can be useful for hit-and-run attacks on enemy expansions. Take advantage of trees and water to hover over where ground units cannot reach them. If you have to run, run to areas that ground units cannot reach or to the safety of towers.

Don't build a bunch of Gryphons if the enemy has a lot of ranged units waiting for them. If the enemy has a lot of Crypt Fiends it's not wise to use Gryphons against them except in a hit-and-run manner. Gryphon Riders do splash damage.

[ Click to Enlarge - 193 KB ]
TillerMaN hides some Gryphon Aviaries in the back of his town. He uses Farms to make it difficult to reach them.

Gryphon Rider Counters
Read Air Units.

Storm Hammers (Passive)
Causes Gryphon Riders' hammers to strike through their target at the next opponent, dealing damage to both. Storm Hammers do not work on air units.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
125 225 Gryphon Aviary Castle 45 sec.

Animal War Training
Increases the maximum hit points of Knights, Dragonhawk Riders, and Gryphon Riders by 150.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
125 175 Barracks Lumber Mill, Blacksmith, Castle 40 sec.

Iron Forged Swords
Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spell Breakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders, and Knights.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
100 50 Blacksmith None 60 sec.

Steel Forged Swords
Further increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spell Breakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders, and Knights.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
175 175 Blacksmith Keep 75 sec.

Mithril Forged Swords
Further increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spell Breakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders, and Knights.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
250 300 Blacksmith Castle 90 sec.

Studded Leather Armor
Increases the armor of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Dragonhawk Riders, and Gryphon Riders.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
100 100 Blacksmith None 60 sec.

Reinforced Leather Armor
Further increases the armor of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Dragonhawk Riders, and Gryphon Riders.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
150 175 Blacksmith Keep 75 sec.

Dragonhide Armor
Further increases the armor of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Dragonhawk Riders, and Gryphon Riders.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
200 250 Blacksmith Castle 90 sec.

Siege Engine
Dragonhawk Rider Warcraft III