Overview |
Heroes and Units |
Unit Stats |
Tech-tree |
Arcane Vault |
Building Stats |
Basics |
Advanced |
Combos |
Defeating Humans
A shop from which any allied unit that has an inventory can purchase items. The items
available are dependant upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall,
Keep, or Castle) and what buildings you have. Heroes can also sell unwanted items
to any item shop.
Each Item lists the name of the item with a link to more information. The time it takes for an item to regenerate after
it has been purchased is listed next. Following that is a list of when an item is first available after the start of the game.
The maximum number of items sold is listed in [ ].
Regenerates: 90 sec.
Availability: [2] at Start.
Regenerates: 60 sec.
Availability: [2] at Start.
Regenerates: 30 sec.
Availability: [2] at Start.
Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [3] at Keep.
Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [2] at Keep.
Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [2] at Keep.
Regenerates: 30 sec.
Availability: [3] at Keep.
Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [1] at Castle.
Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [1] at Castle.
Scroll of Regeneration
After battle, return to your town and buy a Scroll of Regeneration. Then you're prepared for the next fight. Many advanced
Human players have worked this into their regular playing.
Counter: have a unit attack (physical or damage with spell) each enemy unit under the effect of Regeneration. This will cancel it!
[ Click to Enlarge - 193 KB ]
A Human player uses a Scroll of Regeneration to heal after battle
Lesser Clarity Potion
This is useful for regenerating Heroes' mana between battles. After a battle come back to your town and buy a Scroll of
Regeneration. Use it, and also buy some Lesser Clarity Potions.
During battle run your Hero away, use Clarity, and then come back. You can also keep the Hero in the back away from combat
and still use Clarity during combat.
Clarity vs Mana Potions. Mana Potions heal instantly and can't be stopped. So they are great during battle. Clarity potions
are cheaper (100 Mana for 70 Gold vs 150 for 200 Gold) but it takes longer for them to work and they can be canceled.
Mechanical Critter
This is used for scouting. When people see a Critter many don't think it's actually a player unit in disguise. When playing against Human players,
kill all Critters!
Send a Mechanical Critter into an enemy town then use Mass Teleport to teleport to it!
Counter: Kill any Critters you see!
Ivory Tower
This is useful for setting up Towers in a hurry, or without a Peasant so that you can defend expansions or offensive tower.
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