Overview |
Heroes and Units |
Unit Stats |
Tech-tree |
Tomb of Relics |
Building Stats |
Basics |
Advanced |
Combos |
Defeating Undead
Death Knight |
Dread Lord |
Lich |
Crypt Lord
Units :
Acolyte |
Ghoul |
Crypt Fiend |
Gargoyle |
Abomination |
Meat Wagon
Necromancer |
Banshee |
Frost Wyrm |
Shade |
Skeleton Warrior |
Skeletal Mage
Infernal |
Carrion Beetle |
Obsidian Statue |
Unit Index |
Undead Index
During his mortal life as the Warchief of the Orcish Horde of Draenor; Ner'zhul commanded a number of
Orcish Warlocks and Shamans. Yet, when these wicked sorcerers were captured by Kil'jaeden and the
Legion after the destruction of Draenor, they were transformed into twisted aberrations of their
former selves. These Liches possessed tremendous magical powers, yet their immortal, undead bodies
were bound to the iron will of Ner'zhul. Since the Liches showed unswerving loyalty to their master,
Ner'zhul granted them control over the furious elements of the cold north. Now, Liches wield frost
magic along with their own considerable necromantic spells.
Hero |
Missile |
Hero |
1.9 |
60 |
Intelligence |
2 |
1 |
3.4 |
Always |
.01 |
180 |
80 |
Average (270) |
55 |
1 |
L |
1 |
22-28 [25 avg] |
2 |
15 |
14 |
20 |
475 |
300 |
2 |
25-31 [28 avg] |
3 |
17 |
15 |
23 |
525 |
345 |
3 |
28-34 [31 avg] |
3 |
19 |
16 |
26 |
575 |
390 |
4 |
32-38 [35 avg] |
3 |
21 |
17 |
30 |
625 |
450 |
5 |
35-41 [38 avg] |
3 |
23 |
18 |
33 |
675 |
495 |
6 |
39-45 [42 avg] |
4 |
25 |
19 |
37 |
725 |
555 |
7 |
42-48 [45 avg] |
4 |
27 |
20 |
40 |
775 |
600 |
8 |
44-51 [48 avg] |
4 |
29 |
21 |
43 |
825 |
645 |
9 |
49-55 [52 avg] |
5 |
31 |
22 |
47 |
875 |
705 |
10 |
52-58 [55 avg] |
5 |
33 |
23 |
50 |
925 |
750 |
Hero Names: Ordin Frostbane, Ras Splinterspine, Morbent Fell, Rage Winterchill, Araj the Summoner,
Kali'naj Dethknell, Rak Coldskull, Din Frostfire, Calis Wraithson, Venim Iceblade, Naze the Eternal,
Ras Frostwhisper, Coldreaver, Cho'Nammoth, Kryptikk Soulslayer, Alandil Lieng
The Lich is the least used Undead Hero, partly because it is difficult for beginners to use him
properly. The Lich is a great first or second Hero mainly for his Frost Nova ability. Frost Nova
is one of the uber abilities in the game, especially when combined with the Archmage's Brilliance
Aura, Mana Potions, or Dark Ritual. Frost Armor can be useful on allied Heroes, Abominations, or
Frost Wyrms. Dark Ritual is rarely used but is very powerful in a skilled player's hands. Dark
Ritual works very well with Necromancers because the Lich can sacrifice Skeleton Warriors. Death
and Decay can be used to attack tightly packed enemy buildings or towers.
The Lich is a very fragile caster like the Human Archmage. He can easily and quickly be killed.
You can attempt to counter that by casting Frost Armor on him or healing him with Death Coil. The
most common way to protect him is to do a lot of running away and never get close to enemy ranged
or melee units whenever possible.
Lich Counters
It's usually not difficult to kill the Lich with Hero Killers
or by surrounding with melee units or focused fire with ranged units.
Blasts enemy units around a target enemy unit with a wave of damaging frost that slows
movement and attack rate.
1 |
4 (2) sec. |
8 sec. |
125 |
80 |
20 |
Air, Ground, Enemy |
100 target damage, 50 nova damage |
1 |
2 |
6 (3) sec. |
8 sec. |
125 |
80 |
20 |
Air, Ground, Enemy |
100 target damage, 100 nova damage |
3 |
3 |
8 (4) sec. |
8 sec. |
125 |
80 |
20 |
Air, Ground, Enemy |
100 target damage, 150 nova damage |
5 |
Frost Nova Information
People pick the Lich just for the Frost Nova ability. It is a very powerful ability that is up
there with Chain Lightning. Frost Nova can take a chunk out of enemy units and destroy low hit point
units such as ranged units and spell casters. The second benefit of Frost Nova is that it slows
enemy units so it's great to use when they are trying to run away.
Use Mana Potions to cast Frost Nova more often. Use Dark Ritual so you can get more Mana to cast
Frost Nova.
Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and
slows melee units that attack it.
1 |
45 sec. |
2 sec. |
40 |
80 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Friend, Self |
Adds 3 armor, 5 seconds of cold |
1 |
2 |
45 sec. |
2 sec. |
40 |
80 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Friend, Self |
Adds 5 armor, 5 seconds of cold |
3 |
3 |
45 sec. |
2 sec. |
40 |
80 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Friend, Self |
Adds 7 armor, 5 seconds of cold |
5 |
Frost Armor
Frost Armor is useful for protecting allied Heroes and the Lich Itself. You can also cast Frost
Armor on powerful units such as Abominations, Frost Wyrms, Knights, Tauren, and Bears to allow
them to last longer. The slow ability is also useful because enemy units attacking a unit with
Frost Armor will be slowed for 5 seconds.
Frost Armor only slows units that attack the unit with a Melee attack.
Frost reduces movement by 50% and attack speed by 25%.
Sacrifices a target friendly unit to convert its hit points into mana for the Lich.
1 |
N/A |
15 sec. |
25 |
80 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Player, Non Hero |
33% HP to mana |
1 |
2 |
N/A |
15 sec. |
25 |
80 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Player, Non Hero |
66% HP to mana |
3 |
3 |
N/A |
15 sec. |
25 |
80 |
Unit |
Air, Ground, Player, Non Hero |
100% HP to mana |
5 |
Dark Ritual Information
Dark Ritual is rarely used but very powerful because it can make the Lich have almost unlimited Mana
for Frost Nova. It's best to use Dark Ritual on Skeleton Warriors.
Damages everything in its area of effect by 4% of its base hit points per second.
N/A |
35 sec. |
150 sec. |
250 |
100 |
30 |
Air, Ground, Wards, Buildings, Trees |
Damage to 4% of base HP/sec |
6 |
Death and Decay Information
Death and Decay is useful for attacking enemy towns when they have packed their buildings very tightly. You can then destroy a lot of buildings and greatly damage the enemy. Death and Decay is also useful against people who build a lot of towers.
Death and Decay can be used to clear away trees.
Death and Decay Counters
This spell must be maintained to get the full effect. If the spell is interrupted, it will not reach its
full power. The caster must not move while casting. Attack the Lich and force him to move which will cancel the
Death and Decay.
You can interrupt this spell with spells such as:
Humans: Sorceress - Polymorph (uncastable on heroes)
Humans: Dragonhawk Rider - Aerial Shackles (uncastable on ground units)
Humans: Mountain King - Storm Bolt
Humans: Mountain King - Bash (uncastable on air units)
Orcs: Raider - Ensnare
Orcs: Tauren Chieftain - War Stomp (uncastable on air units)
Orcs: Witch Doctor - Stasis Trap (uncastable on air units)
Orcs: Shadow Hunter - Hex
Night Elves: Druid of the Talon - Cyclone (uncastable on air units)
Night Elves: Keeper of the Grove - Entangling Roots (uncastable on air units)
Undead: Crypt Fiend - Web (uncastable on ground units)
Undead: Dread Lord - Sleep
Undead: Dread Lord - Inferno (uncastable on air units)
Undead: Crypt Lord - Impale (uncastable on air units)
Neutral: Dark Ranger - Silence
Neutral: Dark Ranger - Charm (uncastable on heroes)
Neutral: Goblin Tinker - Cluster Rockets
Neutral: Pit Lord - Doom (uncastable on heroes)
Neutral: Fire Lord - Soul Burn
Neutral: Fire Lord - Volcano
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