Overview |
Heroes and Units |
Unit Stats |
Tech-tree |
Tomb of Relics |
Building Stats |
Basics |
Advanced |
Combos |
Defeating Undead
Death Knight |
Dread Lord |
Lich |
Crypt Lord
Units :
Acolyte |
Ghoul |
Crypt Fiend |
Gargoyle |
Abomination |
Meat Wagon
Necromancer |
Banshee |
Frost Wyrm |
Shade |
Skeleton Warrior |
Skeletal Mage
Infernal |
Carrion Beetle |
Obsidian Statue |
Unit Index |
Undead Index
The twisted, mutilated bodies of the Abominations are comprised of multiple dead limbs and body parts
from various corpses. These enormous warriors love to carve flesh and tear their enemies apart. The slow
moving and slow-witted Abominations constantly drip blood behind them and smell like a disease ridden
slaughterhouse. They carry large cleavers into combat and wield various sickle-bladed hooks on their
disproportionate limbs.
4 |
Normal |
Normal |
Normal |
Heavy |
2 (8*) |
36 avg (48 avg*) |
*(#) = Stats when fully upgraded
None |
1.9 |
1175 |
Blight |
None |
N/A |
Melee |
140 |
80 |
Average (270) |
40 |
Slaughterhouse |
Black Citadel |
1 |
A |
Abominations are very powerful ground melee troops with lots of hit points. You should build two Slaughterhouses so that you can build two Abominations at once. Be sure to upgrade the Abominations as much as possible. Abominations are a good progression after Ghouls.
Use Abominations with Necromancers. Cast Unholy Frenzy on Abominations to make them even more powerful.
Abomination Counters
Abominations have heavy armor which means it's best to use magic attacks
against them.
Sorceress - Polymorph and Slow
Gryphon Rider
Tauren - with Pulverize
Farseer - Chain Lightning
Raiders - Ensnare
Shaman - Purge
Wind Rider
Night Elves
Keeper of the Grove - Entangling Roots
Dryads - Slow Poison
Druid of the Talon - Faerie Fire
Lich - Frost Nova
Dread Lord - Sleep
Necromancer - Cripple
Frost Wyrm
Consumes a nearby corpse to heal 15 hit points per second. It takes 33 seconds to fully consume a corpse.
Crypt |
None |
30 sec. |
33 sec. |
None |
None |
N/A |
N/A |
Dead, Organic |
Heals 15 HP/sec., max: 495 hit points |
Cannibalize Information
Cannibalize takes a while to work so its best to use it after a battle or to make sure the enemy isn't attacking you
while you're using it. Cannibalize and Raise Dead will automatically use corpses in a Meat Wagon as if the corpses were on the ground.
So bring Meat Wagons with Exhume Corpses. When units Cannibalize, the most injured units do so first.
Group orders won't apply to Abominations (and Ghoul) that are busy Cannibalizing corpses. This is because it would prevent them from
healing (Cannibalizing) before the process is complete.
Gives Abominations a Disease Cloud aura that deals 1 damage per second for 120 seconds. Meat Wagons
will cause Disease Clouds wherever they attack that deal 1 damage per second for 120 seconds to nearby enemy units.
Undead are immune to Disease Cloud.
Slaughterhouse |
Black Citadel |
45 sec. |
Increases the attack damage of Ghouls, Meat Wagons, Abominations, Skeleton Warriors, and Skeletal Mages.
Graveyard |
None |
60 sec. |
Further increases the attack damage of Ghouls, Meat Wagons, Abominations, Skeleton Warriors, and Skeletal Mages.
Graveyard |
Halls of the Dead |
75 sec. |
Further increases the attack damage of Ghouls, Meat Wagons, Abominations, Skeleton Warriors, and Skeletal Mages.
Graveyard |
Black Citadel |
90 sec. |
Increases the armor of Ghouls, Abominations, Skeleton Warriors, and Skeletal Mages.
Graveyard |
None |
60 sec. |
Further increases the armor of Ghouls, Abominations, Skeleton Warriors, and Skeletal Mages.
Graveyard |
Halls of the Dead |
75 sec. |
Further increases the armor of Ghouls, Abominations, Skeleton Warriors, and Skeletal Mages.
Graveyard |
Black Citadel |
90 sec. |
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