Overview |
Heroes and Units |
Unit Stats |
Tech-tree |
Tomb of Relics |
Building Stats |
Basics |
Advanced |
Combos |
Defeating Undead
A shop from which any allied unit that has an inventory can purchase items. The items
available are dependant upon what level of upgrade your Necropolis has (Necropolis,
Halls of the Dead, or Black Citadel) and what buildings you have. Heroes can also sell
unwanted items to any item shop.
Each Item lists the name of the item with a link to more information. The time it takes for an item to regenerate after
it has been purchased is listed next. Following that is a list of when an item is first available after the start of the game.
The maximum number of items sold is listed in [ ].
Regenerates: 60 sec.
Availability: [1] at Start.
Regenerates: 60 sec.
Availability: [2] at Start.
Regenerates: 60 sec.
Availability: [1] at Start.
Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [3] at Halls of the Dead.
Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [2] at Halls of the Dead.
Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [2] at Halls of the Dead.
Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [1] at Black Citadel.
Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [2] at Black Citadel.
Rod of Necromancy
This item is very powerful in the early part of the game when there are few units. The Rod of Necromancy can be useful for Creeping,
for defense against a Hero Rush, or for attacking the enemy early. You can also give Rods of Necromancy to allied Heroes of other races
or just tell them to buy them at your shop so they can make Skeletons too!
Dust of Appearance
Use this item against cloaked Blademasters or Hidden Night Elf Units especially. Once you get a Shade it should be used instead of
Sacrificial Skull
Use this to create an area of Blight that you can regenerate on closer to the battle.
Players can use this to create an area where they can summon in Spirit Towers. This might also be helpful when expanding as well.
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