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October 30, 1998
The temperatures on the planet Char can become so intense that large portions of the planet's surface become
completely liquefied. During certain times, when the planet is furthest from the twin suns of the system, small
islands form on top of these seas of magma. These bits of land are, not surprisingly, replete with minerals and
greatly prized as sources of incredible wealth. These riches are not without cost, however, as more than one
potential prospector has met his demise within the fierce heat of Char.
Enlarged View (225k)
- 192 x 192 Ash World
- Recommended for 2-6 players

October 23, 1998
The ancient, vicious blood feuds that were born in the Aeon of Strife virtually flooded the proving
grounds on Gyras with the life force of thousands of Protoss Warriors. This bloodshed ended when the
mystic Khas called upon the forces of the Khaydarin Crystals and destroyed the arena. The ruins that
now stand here serve as a grim reminder of both what has passed, and the purpose that this place now
serves. Although Khas strove to bring unification and enlightenment to his people, he also knew that some
disputes would still demand resolution through force. Therefore, this place was sanctified as an arena of
honor, and those who seek to settle personal matters come back to Gyras to prove their mettle in battle.
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Enlarged View (210k)
- 128x128 Jungle World
- Recommended for 2-4 players
- Official Ladder map

October 23, 1998
After the Swarms settled the world where the old Gauntlet had been built and all attempts to dislodge
them failed, Emperor Mengsk decreed that a new one be erected. This new Gauntlet was built in a sector
of space much harder for the swarms to overrun. The engineers who built this new Gauntlet tried to use
the original blueprints, but there is no doubt that some minor but nevertheless important differences crept
into its construction.
Enlarged View (201k)
- 128x96 Badlands
- Recommended for 2 players
- Official Ladder map

October 16, 1998
Originally designed as a diplomatic enclave, Polaris Prime was envisioned as a
place where disparate factions would gather and work out their differences in a
peaceful manner. The station, consisting of two central meeting areas and six
separated rooms, were well suited for the needs of visiting Ambassadors and their
staff. The station gained a well-earned reputation as a haven for those individuals
dedicated to peace. That all changed when the Zerg onslaught began. Polaris Prime
was quickly abandoned when it fell into the ravenous path of the Swarm. Now, diplomacy
of a different kind has begun, as those species that once spoke of peace return to
present their arguments in a more aggressive manner.
Enlarged View (206k)
- 192x192 Space Platform
- Recommended for 2-6 players
- Official Ladder map

October 9, 1998
[[Universal News Network]]
[[Theta Prime Station, Tarsonis]]
New Station Unveiled
The Dominion Engineering Corps (a division of the Kel-Morian Combine) has taken up the task of rebuilding the
many vital orbital platforms required for a healthy flow of commerce in the aftermath of recent upheaval and
subsequent demise of the Terran Confederacy. The DEC is utilizing many new design elements in the construction of
these stations, and the Theta Prime supply depot orbiting Tarsonis is a shining example of innovative thinking.
Coined "Catwalk Alley" by the project engineers, the ingenious use of elevated catwalks provides a host of
improved station functions, including easier maintenance and better defensibility from insurgent forces. The
station is expected to serve as a showcase for the power and ingenuity of the Dominion for many centuries.
[[End News Brief]]
Enlarged View (196k)
- 128x128 Space Platform
- Recommended for 2-4 players

October 9, 1998
Recent explorations have uncovered a previously uncharted island on the jungle planet of Ynoth. Located at
the center of this island are six massive citadels surrounding the ruins of a seventh. This has caused a stir
amongst the Shelak tribe as the Protoss seer Khyar wrote several cryptic passages concerning an mystic Acropolis
referred to "The Six and The One". While it written in his works that, "...the ruler of the Six shall use the
One to become the Only..." Khyar was also called the Mad Prophet in more than one historical record. Whether this
power is real or merely legend, there is a great deal of interest in controlling this island as well as the
ancient citadels.
Enlarged View (207k)
- 192x192 Jungle World
- Recommended for 2-6 players
- Official Ladder map

October 9, 1998
The Hunt continues with Big Game resources.
Terran Wildlife Services, in conjunction with LarsCorp Technologies, has announced the grand opening of their
fantastic new hunting preserve known as "Big Game". Spawned from the overwhelming success of their "Hunters"
park, this new preserve was created to provide an environment that is safe, controlled, and extremely challenging.
"Ballistic sporting has been so universally accepted that many citizens in the private sector have even created
their own private hunting grounds," said Todd Coyle, chairman of the Committee for the Recreational Use of
Sidearms and High-explosives (CRUSH). "This new facility has even more of what sportsmen have asked for, and we
know the true 'Big Game Hunters' will quickly join in the fun."
Enlarged View (219k)
- 128x128 Jungle World
- Recommended for 2-8 players

October 2, 1998
The Kel-Morian combine has been exploiting the ore deposits of remote worlds for decades. From time to time,
their mining teams unearth strange artifacts or other physical evidence ancient civilizations. This was the
case when they discovered a monstrous labyrinth at the Warrant VI dig site. Carbon dating shows that this
gigantic series of underground caves dates back several millennia. Several Terran scholars have noted strong
similarities between this maze and the patterns found in the Labyrinth of Crete, indicating that there may
have been alien visitors on Earth long ago. This is, of course, secondary to the discovery of extensive mineral
fields within the labyrinth to the Kel-Morian combine, and it seems unlikely that they would be interested in
simply turning their find over to "the scientific community" without a fight.
Enlarged View (187k)
- 192x256 Badlands
- Recommended for 2-8 players
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