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January 28, 2000
"It’s been a long, arduous session for you cadets, and some of you must be getting really
nervous that the final exam is almost upon you. You’ve heard plenty of pep talks from myself
and the other trainers before this, so I will just say one last thing and then let you all
start the simulation. Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live
- Training Coordinator Max Herai
- 192x192 Twilight
- Designed for 2 Players
- Use Map Settings
- Requires Brood War to Play

January 21, 2000
"To my dearest mother,
I've been stationed out here at this deep space refueling depot now for three months, and
the isolation here is maddening. Nearby astronomical phenomenon make normal communications
difficult to the rest of the sector, and this only adds to our sense of being alone out here.
Hopefully this message will get to you some time soon. I gave it to the captain of our monthly
resupply vessel to forward to you. I love you, and miss you.
P.S. I need new underwear, so if you send me some I'd really appreciate it. I know how
you hate me wearing old, dirty underwear."
Enlarged View
- 192x192 Space
- Designed for 2 - 6 Players

January 14, 2000
"I reserve a particularly large chunk of bile in my stomach for the city of Graschek. My company
and I were ordered to enter the town and destroy an enemy logistics base at that location. To make
a long, intense, and particularly bloody story short, we lost our bearings en route and I lost half
of my men. Admiral DuGalle himself probably would have become lost in that maze of streets and
sewers. After my tour of duty is up, I'm going to find Graschek's city planners and kill them all
with my bare hands..."
-Lieutenant Thomas Dufay
Enlarged View
- 192x192 Badlands
- Designed for 2 - 4 Players

January 7, 2000
"I used to think that defeating the Zerg would take precise military maneuvers, clever
tactics and strong leadership. I was wrong. You can't out-think the swarm, you can't
out-maneuver the swarm, and you certainly can't break the morale of the swarm. I hate to
admit this, but I could do my job just as well if I ordered all my men to simply shoot
anything that moves."
-Colonel Ronald "Hardcore" Jackson
Enlarged View
- 192x96 Ice
- Designed for 2 or 4 Players
- Requires Brood War to Play
- Use Map Settings for Allied Play
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