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June 26, 1998
One of the most sacred spots on Aiur is an ancient graveyard known as Ni Monn Adun, "Heart of Adun". Here
the greatest of Adun's companions were laid to rest, and their psionic energy permeates the very air around the
ancient site. Despite repeated attempts during their invasion, the Zerg were unable to occupy these grounds, for
the Protoss fought with incredible ferocity to maintain the purity of Adun's Heart.
Enlarged View (197k)
- 192x192 Jungle World
- Recommended for 4-8 Players
- for allied play (adjacent starting locations)

June 19, 1998
The action is fast and furious as you lead your squad of soldiers on a search-and-destroy mission. You gain points
for destroying enemy troops and bunkers, and points bring reinforcements, but beware-- if you lose your bunker,
your entire team is destroyed and you start over!
- 96x96 Badlands
- Designed for 4-6 Players with
- Trigger-driven map, some unit modifications

June 12, 1998
The Protoss Templar train constantly to maintain their fighting skills even during times of peace, rare as they are.
Strategic wargames are carried out with a combination of real troops and hallucinations, and battlefields are chosen
to allow the combatants an opportunity to hone a variety of tactical skills. This particular battlefield is a prime
example and has been used for many inter-tribal competitions.
Enlarged View (194k)
- 96x96 Jungle World
- Designed for 2 Players

June 5, 1998
The Zerg chose Char as a launching point not only for its remote location and rich resources, but because the rough
terrain provided many hiding places for various Brood hatcheries. While this undoubtedly heLPed the Zerg conceal
their numbers from Terran and Protoss scouts, it worked against them when Kerrigan was forced to hunt down the Dark
Templar. This map is typical of the twisting cliffs and magma pools of Char.
Enlarged View (196k)
- 128x128 Ash World
- Recommended for 4-8 Players
- for allied play (odd vs. even)
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