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September 25, 1998
When volcanic forces tear a planet apart, it twists the surface world into unrecognizable and bizarre shapes.
The planet Wotan II was once a peaceful agrarian world until a confederate extremist detonated a Mercer class
doomsday device deep within the planet's core. The explosion brought forth to the surface the natural riches of
this world and now many factions struggle to survive the fiery surface long enough to harvest the treasures that
this world has to offer.
Enlarged View (183k)
- 192x192 Ash World
- Recommended for 2-4 players

September 18, 1998
Now and again a giant platform is seen drifting through space, accompanied by a strange set of
lights following in an eerie glow. Rumored to be the remains of an experimental arboretum platform
jettisoned during the destruction of Korhal, the platform is said to contain a secret lab dedicated to
the creation of strange and exotics plants. Plants, whose purpose remains unknown to this day.
Enlarged View (121k)
- 256x192 Space Platform
- Recommended for 2-8 players

September 11, 1998
The summer storms that ravage the high plateaus of Aiur appear and vanish in the blink of an eye. Fierce
battles for control of the plateaus’ vast mineral fields are as swift as the storms that envelop them. The
current devastation wrought upon Aiur has forced the combatants to this new proving ground, where the fighting
has begun anew.
Enlarged View (198k)
- 128x96 Jungle World
- Designed for 2 to 6 players

September 4, 1998
Welcome to another exciting episode of STEAL...THE...BEACON, the game show where the most powerful forces
in the galaxy compete for valuable cash and prizes! There's no questions to answer, no puzzles to solve -- just
an adrenaline pumping race to invade your opponent's territory and take control of his beacons. Tonight's show is
brought to by BeaconJak, the ultimate in beacon theft deterrence.
Enlarged View (164k)
- 96x96 Installation
- Designed for 2 to 4 players with
- Trigger-driven map with special Victory Conditions and modified units

September 4, 1998
Many religious sites were destroyed in the great war, and the ancient temples of Braken were of no exception.
The invasive jungles of this verdant world have all but restored the planet to its natural state. It is still
rich -- not only with the resources that fuel the great war machines of the stars -- but also in arcane religious
significance. The prophesies foretell that "he who harnesses this world will someday wield great a power,
sanctified by the ancient ones". Securing this essential part of the sector would bring great honor, glory and
riches to the one who could hold it...
Enlarged View (220k)
Designed for 2 to 6 Players
(For ally play Use Map Settings)
- 128x128 Jungle World
- Designed for 2 to 6 Players.
- for allied play
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