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July 31, 1998
Long ago, the Asari hunting grounds were favored by the mighty Protoss who
Stalked through their jungle-infested valleys. Now, as the world of Aiur has been
invaded by marauding alien races, the Protoss rush to protect their once sacred lands.
The hunters shall hunt again… And no creature shall leave Asari alive.
Enlarged View (198k)
- 128x128 Jungle World
- Designed for 2-5 Players

July 24, 1998
Long known for their clandestine operations, the Confederate's enigmatic Nova Squadron was created not only
to gather intelligence on the various "Pirate Militias" that threatened Confederate security, but also to keep
tabs on the various operative branches within the Confederate Armed Forces. Once the Confederacy was dissolved,
Nova Squadron was forced to go into hiding. Whoever can maintain control of their former headquarters not only
commands the most strategically advantageous site in the whole sector, but also has access to whatever priceless
intelligence Nova Squadron may have left behind.
Enlarged View (203k)
- 128x128 Space Platform
- Designed for 2-4 Players
- for allied play.

July 17, 1998
The Zerg invasion of Aiur brought untold death and devastation to the planet, but in many ways
the darkest days in the history of the Protoss were shortly before the departure of the Dark
Templar, when the barely reunited tribes began to fight once more. Old vendettas and ancient
prejudices were reborn as the Protoss who refused the way of Khala were branded
as traitors and hunted down. Grand battles scarred the surface and many bold warriors were
slain in massive engagements. This map allows you to recreate those epic campaigns, and see how
the presence of Terran and Zerg forces might have mixed things up.
Enlarged View (218k)
- 256x256 Jungle World (Huge!)
- Designed for 4-8 Players
- for allied play (top vs. bottom)

July 10, 1998
Most people assume that the Zerg are a malicious species with no sense of humor or fun. While they are
quite malicious, some Cerebrates have demonstrated both humor and a desire for pure recreation. The recent
popularity of soccer among the Swarm is a prime example. Besides sporting a name even a Hydralisk can pronounce, it
gives opposing Broods an opportunity to safely compete, and has recently surpassed "Pin your tail through the
Terran" as the Zerg sport of choice.
- 192x128 Jungle World
- Designed for 2 Players with
- Trigger-driven map with special Victory Conditions and modified units

July 3, 1998
One reason the Terrans have been able to survive on the mostly-lifeless worlds along the rim for so long is that
natural resources such as vespene gas and the mineral ores used in most construction slowly replenish over time,
allowing mining companies to reuse decades-old excavation sites. One such site, Stickler Woods on Antiga Prime,
became the focus of a series of skirmishes as Terran, Zerg, and Protoss forces alike moved in to take what
they could.
Enlarged View (176k)
- 192x128 Badlands
- Recommended for 4-8 Players
- for allied play (top vs. bottom)
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