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May 29, 1998
Even before Arcturus Mengsk and the Sons of Korhol overthrew the Terran Confederacy, several other rebellious
factions fought for freedom. One such group, the Colonial Liberation Army, attempted to wrest control of the mining
station Tyra by dividing the Confederate forces into smaller groups and fighting a series of skirmishes
between opposing squads. In the end, the Confederate forces won the day with their "nuked earth" tactics.
Enlarged View (198k)
- 128x128 Space Platform
- Recommended for 4 or 6 players with

May 22, 1998
The Protoss Templar have long used the ancient ruins of Mendella as a proving ground for promising disciples. The
original settlement, built mostly underground, was flooded out during the Aeon of Strife when warring tribes
destroyed a nearby reservoir in an attempt to drown their enemies. Recently, when the Zerg invaded Aiur, a nest from
the Baelrog brood settled into the resource-rich area, and only a combined force of Protoss and Terran troops was
able to cleanse the area.
Enlarged View (198k)
- 128x128 Jungle World
- Recommended for 2-4 players
- Also great for allied melee games with (top vs. bottom)
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