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August 28, 1998
The constant strife and warfare that has divided our species has led us now to follow a new and shining
path gilded with cooperation. With our new found allies, we shall begin to build an enlightened
civilization of truth, honor and beauty. We will forge a new and lasting peace... a peace through superior
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- 192x192 Jungle World
- Designed for 4 to 8 players
- for allied play

August 21, 1998
Strange symbols based on ancient, sacred geometries that embodied a comprehensive
knowledge of proportion and ratio have been a part of Terran culture since the late
17th century of their recorded history. It was later believed that these symbols were
created when alien craft landed in fields -- a theory supported by the fact that aerial
phenomenon had been observed in connection with the discovery of these formations.
When these key shapes began appearing on desolate platforms at the edge of known space,
the Terrans dispatched teams of scientists in an attempt to finally learn whether these
were simple plasma induced phenomenon or intelligently controlled formations with
universal teaching. The truth is out there...
Enlarged View (179k)
- 192x192 Space Platform
- Designed for 2 to 8 players
- for allied play

August 14, 1998
Chau Sara has been a flash point for unparalleled hostilities during the Wars. Seeding the atmosphere with
toxic spores, the Zerg enslaved the Terran population that founded the colony and changed the surface of
the world to better support their Hive clusters. Then, out of the cold endlessness of space, a great Protoss
fleet arrived and, seeking to prevent further infestation, incinerated the planet. Since that time, Chau Sara
has been a lifeless world hanging in the void.
Enlarged View (208k)
- 192x128 Badlands
- Designed for 2 to 6 players
- for allied play

August 7, 1998
In the Aeon of Strife, Protoss warriors created warp gates to travel great distances instantaneously.
The knowledge involved in their creation has been lost, but on some planets, these gates still remain.
When these sites are discovered, they spawn some of the most violent battles as great powers try and
control these ancient places of power. A series of these gates have been discovered and you and an Allied
team have been dispatched to control these gates and discover the mysteries they contain.
- 128x128 Jungle World
- Designed for 2 on 2 allied play with .
- Trigger-driven map.
- Also playable as a Melee map for 2-4 Players
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