Overview |
Heroes and Units |
Unit Stats |
Tech-tree |
Ancient of Wonders |
Building Stats |
Basics |
Advanced |
Combos |
Defeating Night Elves
Demon Hunter |
Keeper of the Grove |
Priestess of the Moon |
Units :
Wisp |
Archer |
Huntress |
Glaive Thrower |
Dryad |
Druid of the Claw
Mountain Giant |
Hippogryph |
Druid of the Talon |
Faerie Dragon |
Hippogryph Rider |
Treant |
Owl |
Avatar of Vengeance |
Spirit of Vengeance
Unit Index |
Night Elf Index
The first rank of the Sentinel army is comprised of Archers. These brave warrior women are expert
marksmen and use the concealing forests of Kalimdor to their advantage. Their lightning quick
ambushes are legendary - for few warriors can match the speed and cunning of the proud Archers.
Like all Night Elf women, Archers are able to Shadowmeld at night.
2 |
Normal |
Pierce |
Missile |
Medium |
0 (6*) |
17 avg (26 avg*) |
*(#) = Stats when fully upgraded
17 avg (26 avg*) |
1.5 |
245 |
Night |
None |
N/A |
50 (70*) |
140 |
80 (140*) |
Average (270) |
20 |
Ancient of War |
None |
1 |
A |
Learn how to use ranged units with unit control.
Archers can increase their damage by using the Priestess of the Moon's
Trueshot Aura. She is a very good choice if not the best choice when using mass Archers.
It's very important to research upgrades. If you're mostly doing damage to the enemy research
the damage upgrades first, then follow up with the armor upgrades. If you're both taking damage
and dishing it out alternate between armor and damage upgrades. You should always get the
Improved Bows upgrade when using Archers. Rush to it as soon as possible. If you continue
to use Archers rush to get the Marksmanship upgrade also.
Archers are the Night Elves' primary defense against air units. If you're having trouble with air units
use Archers and make sure you research Improved Bows and Marksmanship.
Archers are very weak against Melee Units that are attacking them so keep Melee units away.
If an Archer is attacked by a Melee unit, instruct that Archer to run away and keep running
until they give up chase.
If you continue to use Archers in the later stages of the game you should have at least
two Ancients of War creating them and research all of the related upgrades.
Use Moon Wells! Select damaged Archers and send them back to heal at your Moon Wells. Then remember
to bring them back into battle.
Use Hide! Watch your group selected Archers and double-click on an Archer that is nearing death.
Hit I for Hide (at Nighttime) to save them.
Use Hide to mess with the enemy. Attack them then Hide, then appear, attack, then
Hide again.
Use Archers to spy on the enemy at night and
scout for Glaive Thrower. Run them into an enemy town
then hit Hide.
Clear out the Creeps! Archers will easily die to Creeps if you rally your Ancients of War to your
Hero through Creep camps. Clear out any Creeps that might intercept your Archers on the
way to your Hero. You can also set waypoints to avoid running to the Creeps.
Late Game
Archers transition well into Hippogryph Riders. Get an expansion then build 2-3 Ancients of
Winds. Research the Mount Hippogryph upgrade. Hot key these buildings and set the rally point on
your Hero. Continue to make Hippogryphs by queuing them up. As they are created they will move
to your Hero and Archers where you can match them up to create Hippogryph Riders. Eventually you
can convert all of your Archers to Hippogryph Riders. This may not be wise to do if the enemy
is prepared with Crypt Fiends with Web, Raiders with Ensnare, or other things that can easily kill
air units. Keep in mind that by turning your Archers into Hippogryph Riders you can do attacks
on enemy towns from the backside (away from towers). You are also creating Archers with the same
damage but that cannot be hit by melee units, have greater sight, are
faster, and that have more hit points. The only downside of Hippogryph Riders vs
Archers is 10 less range and a new weakness to anti-air abilities.
[ Click to Enlarge - 204 KB ]
During combat focus all of the Archers' fire on a single unit. Pick units that are almost dead. Double click on an Archer
to select all the Archers in the area. In this battle, the failure of one player to focus fire cost them the battle.
Know when to quit making Archers. If the enemy is tearing them up with Blizzard, Chain Lightning,
or other spells switch to Huntresses instead. If the enemy is using Footmen with Defend switch to
Huntresses. If the enemy Night Elf player is good with Huntresses they can easily kill your
Archers so depending on their skill you might want to switch to Huntresses instead.
Archer Counters
Rush them with Melee units
Finish them off one by one using focused fire with range units
Use Siege Units
Footmen - Use Defend to lessen their damage
Mountain King - Thunder Clap
Archmage - Blizzard
Tauren Chieftain - War Stomp - run into the middle of the Archers and use War Stomp to stun and kill them. This can also be used
to reveal hidden Archers.
Far Seer - Chain Lightning
Shaman - Lightning Shield - use it on an archer and let her fry her massed friends.
Ghouls - rush the Archers
Lich - Frost Nova
Night Elves
Priestess of the Moon - Starfall
Keeper of the Grove - Entangling Roots
Druids of the Claw in Bear Form
Shadow Meld
The Archer, Huntress, Priestess of the Moon, and Warden are invisible to all other units at Night. The units are only invisible when
they are not moving/attacking.
Lie in wait for enemies without attacking. (Will respond to attacks).
Units will hold position and hold their fire, so when they are Shadowmelding, they will not break
their own invisibility. It's very handy for running away from a battle. The Hide ability is disabled
during the day.
Mounts a Hippogryph so that the Archer can attack from the air.
Ancient of Wind |
Hippogryph Taming |
30 sec. |
Reduces the damage taken from Piercing attacks to 65%, and spells and Magic attacks to 80%.
Increases the Archer's and Hippogryph Rider's attack range by 20.
Ancient of War |
Tree of Ages |
35 sec. |
Increases damage of Archers and Hippogryph Riders by 3.
Ancient of War |
Hunter's Hall, Tree of Eternity |
40 sec. |
Increases the damage of Archers, Huntresses, Glaive Throwers, and Hippogryph Riders.
Hunter's Hall |
None |
60 sec. |
Further increases the damage of Archers, Huntresses, Glaive Throwers, and Hippogryph Riders.
Hunter's Hall |
Tree of Ages |
75 sec. |
Further increases the damage of Archers, Huntresses, Glaive Throwers, and Hippogryph Riders.
Hunter's Hall |
Tree of Eternity |
90 sec. |
Increases the armor of Archers, Huntresses, and Hippogryph Riders.
Hunter's Hall |
None |
60 sec. |
Further increases the armor of Archers, Huntresses, and Hippogryph Riders.
Hunter's Hall |
Tree of Ages |
75 sec. |
Further increases the armor of Archers, Huntresses, and Hippogryph Riders.
Hunter's Hall |
Tree of Eternity |
90 sec. |
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