Overview |
Heroes and Units |
Unit Stats |
Tech-tree |
Voodoo Lounge |
Building Stats |
Basics |
Advanced |
Combos |
Defeating Orcs
Blademaster |
Far Seer |
Tauren Chieftain |
Shadow Hunter
Units :
Peon |
Grunt |
Troll Headhunter |
Troll Berserker |
Demolisher |
Witch Doctor |
Spirit Walker |
Raider |
Kodo Beast |
Wind Rider |
Troll Batrider
Tauren |
Spirit Wolf |
Dire Wolf |
Shadow Wolf |
Serpent Ward
Unit Index |
Orc Index
Far Seers are ancient Orcs who represent the pinnacle of Shamanistic power. These powerful Shamans are counted amongst
Thrall's closest advisors and are constantly in tune with the workings and maneuverings of the Horde. Far Seers
are not only tied to the elements of the earth and sky, but are also adept at foretelling the future.
Hero |
Missile |
Hero |
2.28 |
60 |
Intelligence |
2 |
1 |
3 |
Always |
.01 |
1 |
21-27 [24 avg] |
3 |
15 |
18 |
19 |
475 |
285 |
2 |
24-30 [27 avg] |
4 |
17 |
19 |
22 |
525 |
330 |
3 |
27-33 [30 avg] |
4 |
19 |
20 |
25 |
575 |
375 |
4 |
30-36 [33 avg] |
4 |
21 |
21 |
28 |
625 |
420 |
5 |
33-39 [36 avg] |
5 |
23 |
22 |
31 |
675 |
465 |
6 |
36-42 [39 avg] |
5 |
25 |
23 |
34 |
725 |
510 |
7 |
39-45 [42 avg] |
5 |
27 |
24 |
37 |
775 |
555 |
8 |
42-48 [45 avg] |
6 |
29 |
25 |
40 |
825 |
600 |
9 |
45-51 [48 avg] |
6 |
31 |
26 |
43 |
875 |
645 |
10 |
48-54 [51 avg] |
6 |
33 |
27 |
46 |
925 |
690 |
Hero Names: Gar'dal Grimsight, Negal Fireye, Kazil Darkeye, Magis Coldeye, Bale Bleakstare,
Gorr Grimwolf, Kag'ar Winterfang, Nazgrel, Morg Wolfsong, Kazragore, Fenris'ar Gul
The Far Seer is a very popular hero. For many Orc players it is their first Hero choice. The Far Seer
has a collection of great abilities. Almost all Far Seer users start with a point in Feral Spirit.
Feral Spirits are great for attacking your first group of Creeps, for Hero Rushes, defending
against Hero Rushes, and for scouting the map to discover the enemies' locations and races. Next
comes Chain Lightning which can cause serious damage on the enemy. Chain Lightning is especially
effective on low hit point units such as ranged units and spellcasters. Some dispute the use of
Far Sight but Far Sight is excellent for the final stages of the game. At this point the enemy
can be attempting to hide expansions, units, and buildings. Far Sight can reveal a HUGE portion
of the map (much better than Reveal or anything else) which will allow you see what the enemy is
up to. This is especially useful in team games. Far Sight is also for revealing invisible units
such as Night Elves that are hiding. Finally Earthquake is a good counter against enemies building
lots of Towers which often happens at the end of a game.
The Far Seer is very good for Hero rushes. The Far Seer can use two Spirit Wolves and their own
attack to kill enemy workers as they are trying to build their town. This can also be combined
with offensive towering. The Far Seer is also useful for defending against Hero rushes for these
same reasons.
The Far Seer can solo pretty easily using Spirit Wolves. At Level 2 the Far Seer can also combine
Chain Lightning and the Spirit Wolves to make quite an army at that point in the game.
The Far Seer is a weak caster so keep him away from any enemies. The Far Seer is easily killed
when surrounded by melee units or attacked with focus fire by ranged units. Be ready to run
at all times.
Reveals the area of the map that is cast upon. Also reveals invisible units.
1 |
8 sec. |
N/A |
75 |
Unlimited |
60 |
N/A |
Reveals Map |
1 |
2 |
8 sec. |
N/A |
60 |
Unlimited |
180 |
N/A |
Reveals Map |
3 |
3 |
8 sec. |
N/A |
50 |
Unlimited |
400 |
N/A |
Reveals Map |
5 |
Far Sight Information
Far Sight is one of the Orcs' main ways of detecting invisible units.
An animation is displayed over the revealed area. This can let the enemy know
you have used Far Sight; keep that in mind.
High level Far Sight reveals a HUGE area on the map. Try it yourself and see. Far Sight is especially
useful in team games where players can afford a second Hero and can place points in Far Sight and not worry about
spending them in other things.
Hurls a bolt of damaging lightning at a target enemy that jumps to nearby enemies. Each jump
deals less damage.
1 |
N/A |
9 sec. |
120 |
70 |
50 |
Air, Ground, Enemy, Neutral |
85 damage, jumps 4 times |
1 |
2 |
N/A |
9 sec. |
120 |
70 |
50 |
Air, Ground, Enemy, Neutral |
125 damage, jumps 6 times |
3 |
3 |
N/A |
9 sec. |
120 |
70 |
50 |
Air, Ground, Enemy, Neutral |
180 damage, jumps 8 times |
5 |
Chain Lightning Information
Chain Lightning is a very powerful spell. Far Seers should research it and use it whenever possible.
Use Chain Lightning especially against ranged units and spellcasters.
Chain Lightning will now jump to sleeping targets if the primary target is also asleep.
Summons Spirit Wolves to fight enemies for a limited time.
Feral Spirit Information
Use Feral Spirits at the start of the game to help you attack the Creeps.
Send two Feral Spirits in separate directions and use them to scout enemy towns for their location
and race. As the Spirit Wolf enters the town attack their buildings or workers. If the enemy isn't
smart they may even teleport back to their town to defend it.
[ Click to Enlarge - 179 KB ]
A Feral Spirit searches for an enemy base.
If you cast Feral Spirit it will dispel any existing Spirit Wolves and create two new ones. It's
best to wait until your existing Spirit Wolves are dead before creating new ones. Use your mana
for Chain Lightning instead.
Makes the ground tremble and break, causing 50 damage per second to buildings and
slowing units by 75% within area of effect. Lasts 25 seconds.
N/A |
25 sec. |
90 sec. |
150 |
100 |
25 |
Ground, Structures |
50 damage/sec to buildings, slows units 75% |
6 |
Earthquake Information
Use Earthquakes on large groups of towers, typically created at the end of the game.
Earthquakes can be used to clear away large sections of trees.
Earthquake brings units to a minimum speed of 140. Earthquake does not slow air units. Earthquake's
slow area is 25 (250 in-game).
Earthquake Counters
This spell must be "maintained" to get the full effect. This functionality is applied to mainly mass damage
area of effect spells. For example, if you cast an Earthquake spell on an enemy town, your Far Seer
must stay casting the spell until the Earthquake is finished. If you give him a new order during the
spell, the Far Seer will stop casting the Earthquake.
One of the best ways to counter Earthquake is to construct buildings with lots of space between
them. Then the enemy will only be able to hit a few buildings at once. Don't build farms in
big blocks if you can help it.
You can interrupt this spell with spells such as:
Humans: Sorceress - Polymorph (uncastable on heroes)
Humans: Dragonhawk Rider - Aerial Shackles (uncastable on ground units)
Humans: Mountain King - Storm Bolt
Humans: Mountain King - Bash (uncastable on air units)
Orcs: Raider - Ensnare
Orcs: Tauren Chieftain - War Stomp (uncastable on air units)
Orcs: Witch Doctor - Stasis Trap (uncastable on air units)
Orcs: Shadow Hunter - Hex
Night Elves: Druid of the Talon - Cyclone (uncastable on air units)
Night Elves: Keeper of the Grove - Entangling Roots (uncastable on air units)
Undead: Crypt Fiend - Web (uncastable on ground units)
Undead: Dread Lord - Sleep
Undead: Dread Lord - Inferno (uncastable on air units)
Undead: Crypt Lord - Impale (uncastable on air units)
Neutral: Dark Ranger - Silence
Neutral: Dark Ranger - Charm (uncastable on heroes)
Neutral: Goblin Tinker - Cluster Rockets
Neutral: Pit Lord - Doom (uncastable on heroes)
Neutral: Fire Lord - Soul Burn
Neutral: Fire Lord - Volcano
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