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November 24, 1999
"What is it with the Koprulu Sector, anyhow? It seems like every week there's another
skirmish, insurgency, sortie, planned offensive, counter strike, police action, border
conflict or plain old-fashioned war breaking out. While the chaos and anarchy are great
for a spacefaring merchant vessel that's willing to transport certain cargo of questionable
legality, I sometimes have to stop and wonder if this madness will ever end. Of course,
this is also right about the time the Captain slaps me upside the head and...
"(external entry) Bailey, stop daydreaming and get back to work!"
-Personal entry of First Mate Norris Bailey
Recovery Vessel Starheaper
Enlarged View
- 256x256 Badlands
- Designed for 2-6 Players

November 19, 1999
Data Entry 1027AM0440:
It looks like we've finally found a new place to call home. This planet where the Dark
Templar have set up shop is very strange, though. I can get over the fact that everything
here is blue -- in fact, it's actually kind of relaxing, sometimes. No, the true surrealism
of this place is that I have never seen a single plant! No grass, no trees, not even a
single bush to break up the landscape. All they do seem to have are lots and lots of rocks.
It's damn odd...
-Personal entry of Engineer's Mate Aaren Ruth, Renegade Battlecruiser Hyperion
Enlarged View
- 192x128 Twilight
- Designed for 2-5 Players
- Requires Brood War to Play

November 12, 1999
"Who designed this [censored] place? What [censored] "engineer" crawled out from his [censored] hole
to inflict this [censored] [censored] upon my people? A [censored] platform split into two [censored] halves?
Why are there no [censored] bridges on this [censored] platform? Are we just supposed to [censored] leap off
one [censored] half to the other? And to top it all off, those [censored] don't even provide enough Vespene
[censored] gas for operations! [censored] this place! It's just one big [censored] [censored] [censored] [censored]!"
-Edited comments of Colonel Riley "[censored]" Bullhorn
Commander of Terran Orbital Platform G11-F3
Enlarged View
- 96x96 Space
- Designed for 2 Players

November 5, 1999
"The destruction of our ancient home of Aiur still pains me. The blackening of our lands, the destruction
of our cities and the defilement of our temples by the accursed Zerg leaves a void in my soul that can never
again be filled. Now Shakuras is my new home, and I am finally beginning to understand why our exiled Dark
Templar brethren settled here. I've spent many days just quietly gazing out at the strangely sad beauty of
the water here. The waves hold the color of pure indigo and they mesmerize me and calm my soul. How could
anyone leave this place after seeing such sights?"
-Rassidan, High Templar of the Akiliae Tribe
Enlarged View
- 256x192 Twilight
- Designed for 2-6 Players
- Requires Brood War to Play
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