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May 28, 1999
Enslavers: Dark Vengeance
Episode IV A: Desperate Measures
Episode IV B: Turnabout
A Single Player Veteran Level Campaign.
(Look in the campaign folder in your maps directory for the original Enslavers missions)
What has gone before...
At the same time that the UED was launching their massive assault against the Dominion capital of Augustgrad,
a small Protoss force was sent to the Homeworld of Aiur. Their mission to secure three stasis cells that held
the bodies of critically wounded Protoss war heroes went awry as several Dark Templar destroyed two of the
stasis cells, and were captured mere moments before they could destroy the third. Led by the powerful and
defiant Dark Templar, Ulrezaj, these traitors to Aiur were found guilty by the tribunal, but before their
sentencing could be carried out, a strike force commanded by the Terran criminal Alan Schezar arrived. These
invaders freed the Dark Templar from their imprisonment and nearly destroyed the Protoss base that housed
them in the process.
During his escape, Ulrezaj stole a Khaydarin crystal and -- through the powerful psionic emanations from that
crystal -- was tracked back to a Terran base on Korhal controlled by the sympathizer Alan Schezar. The
Protoss criminals were nowhere to be found at the base, but Schezar did have a sizable contingent of Zerg
there, controlling them through means unknown. The Protoss fleet sent to attack the Terran base was faced
difficult choice: either flush out the base commander by destroying the Terran Command Centers and force him
to divulge where Schezar and Ulrezaj had fled, or track down and reclaim the stolen Khaydarin crystal.
If you rescued the Khaydarin Crystal then you should play scenario 4a.
If you destroyed the Terran Command Centers then you should play scenario 4b.
To have these levels run properly, they must ALL be placed in the Campaign Folder in your StarCraft/Maps/ directory. When asked if
you want to overwrite the (1)Episode04a.scx and (1)Episode04b.scx placeholder maps, answer "Yes".
Download it now! (21 MB)
If you do not already have Episodes I,II, & III of Enslavers, you can download them all
here (21 MB)
- Requires Brood War to play
- Single Player Veteran Level Campaign

May 19, 1999
Terran Wildlife Services, in conjunction with LarsCorp Technologies, is proud to announce the grand opening of
another soon to be wildly successful hunting preserve: The Creek. Designed as a small, intimate, and quiet locale
with some of the finest combat fishing in the galaxy, the park caters to the tastes of the discriminating
sportsman. "This new preserve should serve as a welcome haven for those seeking to avoid the crowds created
by the overwhelming success of the better known ‘Hunters’ preserves," noted John Andrews, host of the popular
"Better Living through Maximum Firepower" sporting show on the Galactic Entertainment Network.

Enlarged View (176k)
- 96x64 Badlands
- Suggested Players: 2

May 12, 1999
After the larger of the twin suns supporting the lush pleasure world of Zenn failed, the paradise fell into an
age of ice and darkness. Zenn remained in obscurity for decades, serving only as a stopping point and safe
haven for smugglers and fringe world miners. This all changed when the frozen planet was named as the site for
the New Dominion Winter Olympics, the premiere sporting event in Terran space. All went well until the ill-fated
Plasma Rail Bobsled event...
Although Olympic Security was prepared for possible trouble since Plasma Rail Bobsled fans are renowned as a
rowdy and potentially violent bunch, no one could have anticipated the riot that erupted when the team from
Korhal upset the favored Braxis crew in the finals. Screams of derision and empty beer canisters hurled in
anger rapidly turned into gauss-rifle fire. Clashes in the streets of Zenn broke out between stolen Goliath
security combat vehicles. The aggression spread like wildfire across the planet, soon becoming a struggle for
survival on this inhospitable world. "The Riot" continues to this day, and though neither the Korhal
"HeatBlisters" nor the Braxis "Glaciers" have emerged triumphant, their enthusiasm for the sport of Bobsledding
remains undiminished.
Enlarged View (205k)
- Requires Brood War to play
- 256x256 Ice
- Suggested Players: 2-8

May 7, 1999
"In this powerful remake of a true action classic, Bunker Command II recreates all of the excitement of the
original strategic conflict while including all-new units to command. Lead your squad of experienced marines
across a new and dangerous landscape, seeking out enemy bunkers to destroy before they can do the same thing to
you. As you eliminate your foes and the bunkers they defend, reinforcements arrive to help carry on the fight
for ultimate victory. Bunker Command II will prove to be the leader in the next generation of Real Time Bunker
-Rexx Perry, V.P. of Bunker Command Marketing, UED Region
- Requires Brood War to play
- 96x96 Desert
- Designed for 4-8 players with
- Trigger-driven map with special Victory Conditions and modified units
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