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August 25, 2000
"A work is never completed except by some accident such as weariness, satisfaction, the
need to deliver, or death: for, in relation to who or what is making it, it can only be
one stage in a series of inner transformations."
-Paul Valéry, French poet
Enlarged View
- 192x192 Twilight
- Designed for 2-6 Players
- Requires Brood War to Play

August 18, 2000
"I can't believe my eyes. I finally found what I had been looking for all this time on Aiur. After
evading the Terran blockade and quarantine of Aiur, dodging countless Zerg patrols both on the
ground and in the air, and starving for the last two weeks, I've finally seen my dream take shape
before my very eyes. I've found the Ziggurat, and it's more beautiful than I can imagine. I can die
now a happy man."
-Final Transmission of Dr. Frederick Thompson, Xenoarchaelogist
Enlarged View
- 192x192 Jungle
- Designed for 2-4 Players

August 11, 2000
You want a textbook example of the importance of good battlefield reconnaissance? Take a close
look at Sidewinder Ravine. Sure you can attack your enemy with ground troops, just don't expect
any results. This place has more twists than a pretzel caught in a blender! Even if you do finally
get over to the enemy, he'll probably have Siege Tanks on the ridges ready to rain down death and
destruction on your troops below. I'd suggest just attacking from the air, and hope your opponent
hasn't figured out the near futility of a land based attack.
- Excerpt from "The Modern Koprulu Sector Battlefield" by Gen. Ulysses Hargrove, Ret.
Enlarged View
- 128x128 Desert
- Designed for 2 Players
- Requires Brood War to Play

August 4, 2000
Welcome to The Amazing Bengalaas Exhibit!
Safariland is proud to present Bengalaas!, the most technologically advanced animal environment
ever created. Our landscape architects and technical engineers have spent over a 3 years designing
a habitat that faithfully mimics the actual conditions on Aiur, the homeworld of the Bengalaas.
While we don't have any Protoss or Zerg roaming about our jungle, we were able to import several
different plants native to Aiur to make these massive cats feel even more at home. Two visitor
platforms, protected by specially designed moats, have been erected as close as possible to the
cats for the best in viewing and holophotography. Exclusive merchandise is also available at the
Bengalaas, Wow! gift shop for those who wish to take home the pride of the jungle.
Enlarged View
- 96x96 Jungle
- Designed for 2 Players
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