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February 25, 2000
"I don't understand how High Command can believe success is possible in this new "mission". We've
fought back and triumphed against vastly superior odds before, but the prospect of facing SIX well-
equipped strike teams worries even me. There's only so long a human can stay alert and fit in combat
before finally succumbing to the need to rest. We're not robots here -- we're men and women made out
of flesh and blood. If we are going to have any shot at coming out of this mess with our heads still
attached we need to end the fight quickly. We can't let this fight turn into a war of attrition
because if that happens, we won't have the resources or endurance to continue that kind of fight
for long. Now you all know what's ahead of us, so let's go, go, go!"
- General Tyco Eiche
- 256x64 Jungle
- Designed for 2 Players
- Use Map Settings
- Veteran-Level Scenario

February 18, 2000
"I love a good desert. There's something about a huge expanse of seemingly barren wasteland that stirs something deeply in my
soul. The blistering heat purges away all the outside cares of the world, leaving only the fragile core of my innermost being
in its wake. The experience is just magical. Oh, and you can get a really awesome tan. Chicks dig a nice tan."
- Gregory Raj, author and self-proclaimed "Guru of the Stars"
Enlarged View
- 256x192 Desert
- Designed for 2-6 Players
- Requires Brood War to Play

February 11, 2000
"What’s that Command? A storm moving onto our position and we should seek shelter immediately? Sir,
with all due respect, my men have been to the far reaches of the sector and fought off bandits,
rebels, Protoss and even the Zerg. We are not afraid of some... [STATIC -- END OF LINE]."
- Last transmission of Captain Jonathan Rogers, KIA during a freak hailstorm on Grnaki Prime
Enlarged View
- 192x128 Ice
- Designed for 2-4 Players
- Requires Brood War to Play

February 4, 2000
MEMO 3451GS12
FROM: Office of the Surveyor General
RE: Naming Policies
In the last few months I have seen a rash of new planets, continents, oceans, seas, lakes, rivers,
mountains, plains and valleys with suggested nomenclature based on geographic features found on
Earth. While I do not wish to single out any specific survey team as being particularly uncreative,
it was brought to my attention that just today a body of water located on Exgelia IV was given the
name "New Aegean Sea". I have examined the maps and photographs of the area in great detail and have
read the survey report thoroughly. Although this body of water does indeed bear some resemblance to
the Aegean Sea located off the coast of Greece and Turkey on Earth, it is with great hesitancy and
reluctance that I give this name my final approval. Be advised that the next of these uninspired
reports that comes across the desk of this office will be immediately rejected.
Enlarged View
- 256x256 Jungle
- Designed for 2-8 Players
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