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Polar Furbolg | Polar Furbolg Champion

Polar Furbolg
Level: Food: Attack Type: Weapon Type: Armor Type: Armor: Ground Attack: Air Attack:
4 3
Normal Normal Heavy 2 18-21 [19.5 avg ] None
Cooldown: Hit Points: Health Regen: Mana: Mana Regen: Range: Day Sight: Night Sight: Speed:
1.35 550 Always None N/A Melee 140 80 Fast (300)

Polar Furbolg Champion
Level: Food: Attack Type: Weapon Type: Armor Type: Armor: Ground Attack: Air Attack:
7 6
Chaos Normal Heavy 5 39-44 [41.5 avg ] None
Cooldown: Hit Points: Health Regen: Mana: Mana Regen: Range: Day Sight: Night Sight: Speed:
1.35 950 Always None N/A 60 140 80 Fast (320)

Polar Furbolg Shaman | Polar Furbolg Elder Shaman

Polar Furbolg Shaman
Level: Food: Attack Type: Weapon Type: Armor Type: Armor: Ground Attack: Air Attack:
4 3
Pierce Missile Medium 0 25-32 [28.5 avg ] 25-32 [28.5 avg ]
Cooldown: Hit Points: Health Regen: Mana: Mana Regen: Range: Day Sight: Night Sight: Speed:
1.8 550 Always 300 0.75 60 140 80 Average (270)

Abolish Magic (Autocast)
Dispels positive buffs from enemy units, and negative buffs from friendly units. Damages summoned units.
Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
Instant None 50 50 Unit Air, Ground, Ward Removes Spell, 75 Damage to Summoned Units

Frost Armor
Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds 3 armor and slows melee units that attack it for 5 seconds. Lasts 45 seconds.
Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
45 sec. 3 sec. 40 80 Unit Air, Ground, Friend, Self Slows attacking units for 5 seconds, +3 Armor

Polar Furbolg Elder Shaman
Level: Food: Attack Type: Weapon Type: Armor Type: Armor: Ground Attack: Air Attack:
8 6
Chaos Missile Heavy 3 31-39 [35 avg ] 31-39 [35 avg ]
Cooldown: Hit Points: Health Regen: Mana: Mana Regen: Range: Day Sight: Night Sight: Speed:
1.8 950 Always 500 1.25 60 140 80 Fast (320)

Frost Nova
Blasts enemy units with a wave of frost that deals 50 damage to the target, and 50 nova damage. Cold damage slows units' movement and attack rate for 4 seconds.
Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
4 sec. 8 sec. 125 80 20 Ground, Enemy, Air, Neutral Organic 50 damage, 50 nova damage, movement/attack rate slowed 4 sec.

Healing Wave
Calls forth a wave of healing energy that bounces up to 4 times, heals 215 damage on the primary target. Each jump heals less damage.
Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
N/A 9 sec. 90 70 50 Air, Ground, Friend, Self, Organic 215 initial heal, 4 jumps, 25% less per jump

Polar Furbolg Tracker
Level: Food: Attack Type: Weapon Type: Armor Type: Armor: Ground Attack: Air Attack:
6 4
Normal Normal Heavy 2 29-33 [31 avg ] None
Cooldown: Hit Points: Health Regen: Mana: Mana Regen: Range: Day Sight: Night Sight: Speed:
1.35 950 Always 400 1.25 Melee 140 80 Fast (320)

Slow (Autocast)
Slows enemy unit's attack rate by 25% and movement speed by 60%. Lasts 20 seconds.
Duration (Hero) Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
20 (10) sec. 8 sec. 40 60 Unit Air, Ground, Enemy Attack Rate reduced 25% Movement Speed reduced 60%

Polar Furbolg Ursa Warrior
Level: Food: Attack Type: Weapon Type: Armor Type: Armor: Ground Attack: Air Attack:
8 6
Chaos Normal Heavy 4 49-55 [52 avg ] None
Cooldown: Hit Points: Health Regen: Mana: Mana Regen: Range: Day Sight: Night Sight: Speed:
1.35 1100 Always 500 1.25 Melee 140 80 Fast (320)

Command Aura
Gives extra damage to nearby friendly units.
Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
Unlimited None None N/A 90 Air, Ground, Friend, Self Damage +10%

War Stomp
Slams the ground, dealing 25 damage to nearby enemy land units and stunning them for 3 seconds.
Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
N/A 6 sec. 90 N/A 25 Ground 25 damage, 3 (2) sec. stun

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